Monday, April 22, 2013

Her Love Story.~~

It's been a while I didn't update this blog...It's not because I'm busy but I have nothing to say and nothing to share...In short words,lack of idea.. Miraculously TODAY is the lucky day...I GOT THIS COOL STORY TO SHARE...That's Her love story~~~...

   This is the story where a girl lost her love on 2011. She thought that her life will be ending soon because she has lost the only man that she love..she cried for weeks and didn't recover from her broken heart. Then she turn to God. Her only hope are God. But things didn't turn so well when she have choose the wrong path. She mixed with the wrong people and get into some scandals.She thought that by having someone on her side and give what they want fill her life with joys.
    But God knows the best for her,God let her do that mistake to make her realize that life is not that simple. After a while, she felt something burden her. With the sins and action she have done,making her life miserable. Once again, she turn to God...But know she more repent to her mistakes..She asks for Jesus to help her to find the pathway of her life. She cried and cried with the regrets at her tears.

     Suddenly she realize that, she miss Jesus so much. How many moments when Jesus were there for her but she ignored his existence. Jesus accompanies her where ever she goes, where ever she do and helping her to sleep tight and safe at night. Jesus never turn away from her even though she have done sins.She started to follow a lot of Church activities.she started to get closer to Jesus. She repent to her sins and trying to go back to the true pathway.
     One day, she got an opportunity to follow a spiritual camp at Penang. At Penang, there was a place called St. Anne Cathedral Church. Some people said that that place brings a lot of miracle. The most beautiful place with miracles. That's is bonus to someone who needs to strengthen their love to Jesus.  That  camp was exciting and enjoyable for her. She enjoy it so much. On the last day of the camp, the camper went to St.Anne Cathedral Church. One moment, the girl were move by the power of Jesus love. She kneel down and pray to God...repent her sins and asking for God mercy.

"Dear God, please forgive my sins. I have sins a lot and I have forgotten You at some moment. I am sorry to what I HAVE DONE." Then she cried like a river.

" Dear God,What did not lie in my plan lay on God's plan. I am asking You, please guide me into you kingdom. Send someone to guide me...someone from your nation,someone that would bring me close to You....God, hear my prayer..Amen"

God did hear her Prayer...At that camp, there was a boy who got his eyes on her. He is nice and humble. He  also play guitar on that society. But he got something that burden him. Same as that girl. God knows the best for both of them.


nice right?hehehe...want to hear more....keep tracking this story...


Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Waiting for job posting is so tiresome..

Lucky me, I got my 3 beautiful cat that always be at my side when i am lonely...pendek kata santai saja diurang!!!!! THEY ARE SO CUTE at 1st but now getting bigger..and I start to not cuddling them often...cuz they are so heavy...(krem tgn sy mw angkat)..and YES!!!they are naughty...take a look on my cats citizens!!!! 

in conclusions,I LOVE ALL MY CATS...

Thursday, January 10, 2013


I like to write anything that pops into my head..hehehe...TODAY IS FRIDAY...and guess what...i got this Friday blues... weird rite?...

a LOT of people got the MONDAY blues...but me,hmmmm....i got this Friday blues....dont know why..i feel empty,nothing inside me...!!(duhhhh....jiwang pula) thinking what the best word to describe this...

MAYBE NOOBS...YEAH,I FEEL NOOBS!!(NOOBS is the words from DOTA)...i keep using it since i play DOTA...hehehe..oyah...talking bout DOTA...there is something I was hoping happen in DOTA...

OYEAH!!DOMO IN DOTA...hahhahaa..

so cute2 that DOMO..hehehhe..(berharap la kunun tp mustahil for this kind of game...hehehe)...
hmmmm...mcm lari da ni dari cerita asal sa.....well,back to my FRIDAY BLUES...some other people prefer weekends than weekdays...but for me...

when im having my loooooooonggggg holidays...I would prefer weekdays...cuz my cartoons will always be there for me...hahahha..(kartun ba yg penting)....

suda masuk 22 tapi masih lg tgk kartun arrrr...punya la...(p/s :noobs)

okay!! I don't care actually people said...just being myself.. that is the most important things in our life.. don't be someone that people want you to be..cuz you will never find  your happiness...

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

That Kitty stole my Heart!

I got this cat from my cousin...after a lot of persuade, FINALLY I GOT THE CAT..yeah  ?? ???(persuading a little girl..12 years younger than me .+,+)

dont know why but lately I have fallen for this kitty...oyeah!!...forget to tell her name...SHE is PRECIOUS...(my sister gave her name,but i never called her like that...only call her "miau....miau"..hehe)...

she is so sweet like an apple in my eye...(uisehhhh...ayat ba)...cute but naughty...yet i still loving her...she always be there for me when I am lonely...She like to sleep on my lappy when I was planing to play games....luckily, she got that cute face...i never get mad at her..hahaha...i am lookinf forward to see she growing....well, got to go...she is calling me to play together....hehehe...

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


i saw this on somewhere blog...i think its useful...hehehehe..FOR LOVEY-DOVEY couple!!

1. Beriman
Untuk menjadi pasangan yang lebih baik, kunci pertama adalah menguatkan iman anda sendiri. Dengan adanya pasangan yang beriman, maka pasti hubungan cinta antara kedua pasangan akan mencapai titik yang maksimum.
2. Jangan ‘minder’ dan selalu mengenang masa lalu
Janganlah bersikap minder terhadap pasangan anda. Bila anda pernah membuat suatu kesalahan dimasa lalu , jangan selalu dikenang atau diingat. Berfikirlah positif. Bila anda minder, sama saja anda mengatakan bahwa anda tidak sepadan untuk pasangan anda. Bila anda tidak percaya diri, bahwa anda adalah pasangan yang sepadan untuk dia, maka anda akan benar-benar menjadi pasangan yang tidak sepadan.
3. Romantis
Ketika suatu hubungan cinta mulai mengalami keretakan, tanda pertama yang terlihat adalah mulai berpudarnya romantisme antara pasangan. Umumnya pasangan yang akan retak melupakan bagaimana senangnya ketika pertama kali mereka menjalin hungan tersebut. Suatu hubungan cinta adalah sesuatu yang harus terus menerus dibina dan bersikap romantis dalam membina hubungan tersebut adalah mutlak.
4. Jangan membuat sesuatu hanya kerana ingin membahagiakan pasangan anda
Berapa kalikah anda pernah mengerjakan sesuatu untuk pasangan anda yang sebenarnya tidak ingin anda lakukan, tapi tetap anda lakukan kerana ingin membuat pasangan anda bahagia.. Bagaimana perasaan anda ketika mengerjakan hal tersebut? Setiap kali anda membuat kompromi atas sikap anda tersebut, anda memperlebar jurang hubungan cinta anda. Sebaiknya anda secara jujur mengatakan pada pasangan anda bahawa anda kurang senang mengerjakan hal tersebut, dan mencari alternatif lain untuk mengatasinya bersama.
5. Jangan paksa pasangan anda untuk melakukan hal-hal yang dia kurang senangi
Ini adalah kebalikan dari tip diatas. Kalau anda tahu pasangan anda kurang senang melakukan sesuatu hal, mengapa dipaksakan… ..??
6. Jangan merendahkan pasangan anda
Tidak ada manusia yang sempurna didunia ini. Masing2 mempunyai daya fikir, kerja dan daya tahan tersendiri. Bila anda selalu merendahkan pasangan anda dengan menyalahkan apa saja yang dia salah lakukan, bagaimana anda akan berharap dia akan berbuat benar?
7. Jangan memberi janji yang anda tidak mampu penuhi
Kepercayaan adalah hal penting pada suatu hubungan cinta. Kepercayaan harus dibina dan dikembangkan. Bila anda tidak memenuhi janji anda pada pasangan anda, bagaimana pasangan anda akan percaya pada anda pada masa yang akan datang?
8. Usahakan untuk selalu berada disisinya
Pasangan anda merupakan teman anda untuk seumur hidup… .Usahakan untuk berada disisinya baik dalam suka maupun duka… .
9. Komunikasi
Dunia berubah dari hari ke hari. Bila anda tidak terus menerus berkomunikasi dengan pasangan anda, anda akan terkejut apabila pada suatu hari anda baru menyadari bahwa jurang perbezaan antara anda berdua telah semakin lebar.
10. Jangan berlaku kasar dan semena-mena terhadap pasangan anda
Cukup jelas…
Hormatilah pasangan anda sebagaimana anda menghormati manusia lainnya. Jangan sampai anda lebih menghormati teman anda daripada menghormati pasangan anda.
11. Jujurlah selalu
Biasanya suatu hubungan cinta tidak akan berlangsung lama apabila dibangun dan didasari atas kebohongan. Walaupun pasangan anda tidak pernah mengetahui kebohongan yan tersimpan, tetapi fakta bahwa anda mengetahui kebohongan itu, akan mempengaruhi perasaan anda maupun pasangan anda. Dengan itu, hubungan cinta tak akan mencapai titik yang maksimum

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